Monday 17 October 2011

What Is To, CC & BCC?

What Is To, CC & BCC?

The To field is for people that the message directly affects, and that you require action from. If you expecting someone to do something, they should be in the To field.

The CC (Carbon Copy) field is for people you want to know about the message, but are not directly involved. It's mainly for people that do not need to act or reply to the message, but to keep them informed.
The BCC field (Blind Carbon Copy) is used when you want other people to receive the message, but you don't want the other recipients to know they got it.

From: Harwinder
To: Ishan
Cc: Rakesh; Chitresh
Bcc: Manish

In the above example, all recipients of the email will see the following email header information when they receive the email:

From: Harwinder
To: Ishan
Cc: Rakesh; Chitresh

This means that none of the recipients will know who the BCC recipients are. Each of the BCC recipients will, of course, realize that they were on BCC but they will not know who else was on BCC.


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